There is a little ornamental plaque in my
garden that expresses much of why it is a
place of joy to me. It says, "To cultivate a
garden is to walk with God". I am not a
farmer, or even a great gardener. To look at
my yard is to see dandelions and weeds that
have crept in. But there is something in those
words that go deep in my heart. And because
I'm a wordgirl, I look them up. "Cultivate", in
modern vernacular, means two very different
things. To a farmer, or from a gardening per-
spective, it means "to loosen or break up soil;
to prepare land; to tend and to nurture." In
contemplating a garden, most of our thinking
is focused on soil and seed. But there is another
dictionary meaning from the verb that says, "to
develope an aquaintance or intimacy with someone,
as we cultivate relationship." I've thought about
both meanings, and I've come to realize they both
apply, from our Heavenly Father's perspective, to
what can be accomplished in our garden, and in the
garden of our heart. Fallow ground is broken,
and seed sown, that new life may spring up, if
we partner in the work to be done. And if we are
diligent and persistant, there is a fruit of our labor,
produced both in the natural garden, and in
our heart's garden. I think of the beautiful old
hymn that my Mom and her brother's and sister's
used to sing to my grandmother. Those sweet
words still speak to me, as I remember them. "I
come to the garden alone, while the dew is still
on the roses, and the voice I hear falling on my ear,
The Son of God discloses. And He walks with
me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am
His own. And the joy we share as we tarry
there, none other has ever known." That is what
my little plaque speaks to my heart about, as I
come into the garden. It is about so much more than
cultivaing the earth, that the beauty of flowers and
richness of soil can be enjoyed. It is about my longing
to cultivate deeper relationship, as I meet with my
And they heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden.
Gen. 3:8
In the Garden, C. Austin Miles
Copyright 1912, renewal 1940
The Rodheaver Company, owner
All rights reserved.